
Add Crystals Allods Online

[guide mini] How to add the crystals in the Item Shop
Open phpMyAdmin (WAMP server)We go further:
WAMP > phpMyAdmin > allods_billing_rc_4_0_02 > account_money > SQL
Press the button: "INSERT" - clear the field from the example of data entry:
and add by hand:
INSERT INTO `account_money` (`id`, `version`, `account_id`, `money`, `currency_id`) VALUES(1, 141, 1, 1000000, 1),(2, 8, 1, 1000000, 2),
Press the button: "GO"
Consider the value of:
id = (1)|(2) - the number of the order
version = (141)|(8) - version (introduced an arbitrary value (141))
account_id = (1) - account id (value found in: phpMyAdmin > allods_billing_rc_4_0_02 > account)
money = (1000000) - number of crystals
currency_id = (1)|(2) - currency id (1 = standard crystals. 2 = bonus crystals)
