
Add Items Shop Allods Online

[guide mini] How to add items to the Item Shop
To add an item in an item shop will insert data into two sections DB "allods_billing_rc_4_0_02"
> "item" and
> "item_price".
Let's say we want to add the mount. To do this, we need to know the category of Mounts ID.
We find it in the section "category" DB "allods_billing_rc_4_0_02".
Identified - Mounts ID = 13

Next, we need to know ManaBike resource id. Open the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Identified - Resource ID = 353753098

Basic data known to us, we proceed to insert data in the section "item":
Open phpMyAdmin (WAMP server)
We go further: WAMP>phpMyAdmin>allods_billing_rc_4_0_02>item>SQL
Press the button: "INSERT" - clear the field from the example of data entry:
and add
INSERT INTO `item` (`id`, `res_id`, `stack_count`, `category_id`, `position`, `is_activated`, `type`, `bundle_id`, `event_res_id`) VALUES
(387, 353753098, 1, 13, 77, 1, 'ITEM', NULL, 0);
Press the button: "GO"
The result should look like this:
Consider the value of:
id, res_id, stack_count, category_id, position, is_activated, type, bundle_id, event_res_id
387, 353753098, 1, 13, 77, 1, ITEM, NULL, 0---
 = (387) - the number of the order
res_id = (353753098) - resource ID (identified earlier)
stack_count = (1) - stack count
category_id = (13) - category ID (identified earlier)
position = (77) - slot under an item shop
is_activated = (1) - is activated
type = (ITEM) - type
bundle_id = (NULL) - bundle ID
event_res_id = (0) - event resource ID
We proceed to insert data in the section "item_price":
Open phpMyAdmin (WAMP server)
We go further: WAMP>phpMyAdmin>allods_billing_rc_4_0_02>item_prise>SQL
Press the button: "INSERT" - clear the field from the example of data entry:
and add
INSERT INTO `item_price` (`id`, `item_id`, `price`, `currency_id`, `type`) VALUES
(623, 387, 5000, 1, 'BUYONLY'),
(624, 387, 5000, 2, 'BUYONLY');
Press the button: "GO"
The result should look like this:
Consider the value of:
id, item_id, price, currency_id, type
623, 387, 5000, 1, BUYONLY
624, 387, 5000, 2, BUYONLY
 = (623)|(624) - the number of the order
item_id = (387) - item ID (identified earlier)
price = (5000) - the price of an item
currency_id = (1)|(2) - currency ID (1 = gPotato Crystals )|( 2 = Premial Cristals)
type = (BUYONLY) - type
This editing is complete database. There remains the last step.
We want to insert an item in a file: ItemMallWhiteListRegistry.xdbOpen the file: server/game/data/ItemMall/ItemMallWhiteListRegistry.xdb
and add
<Item href="/Mechanics/Mounts/5thGrade/Items/ManaBikeStandart.xdb#xpointer(/gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.item.ItemResource)" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Item href="/Mechanics/Mounts/5thGrade/Items/ManaBikeStandart.xdb#xpointer(/gameMechanics.constructor.schemes.item.ItemResource)" />       
The result of our efforts can be assessed in the game: