
GM Tool Allods Online

Setting UP GM tool and Log Server
GM tool is the server runs an web-server through which you can control the game.
Log Server is the server that collects and accumulates all statistical data and logs from the shard servers (or base servers depending on the type of connected servers) and information about alarms in extraordinary situations. The server are situated in server_bin/gametoolEAR and server_bin/logserverEAR folders.
Before You Start

Please check the following points:
Please verify that this version of the GM tool and Log Server documentation matches the of the GM tool and Log Server version are installing.
You can install GM tool and Log Server for a full test only on the servers where minimum 5 test servers or a live servers environment(live shard) present otherwise you may only use Master GM tool.
Setting UP PostgreSQL Server

In order to start working with a GM tool you should to configure the database.
Setting UP The config file

Now let's add several lines to a config file in order to start GM tool on the base part.

lang="eng" specifies a language of the GM tool
mode="master" spicifies that gmtool is in master mode
"<gametool-database" tag is settings for database

The settings up of the shard part very close to setting up of the base part let's see in the config file of the shard part.

mode="slave" specifies that gmtool is in slave mode
id - name of the gametool instance (it maybe like name of the shard or another, it maybe random string)
"<gametool-database" tag is settings for database
Log Server

"<logserver-database" tag is settings for database
"web host" should has the same ip as logserverEAR service
The Old Logs Purification

The GM tool DB grows very rapidly, by this reason we suggest to apply this tag on the shard(this section can be inserted in configs of all versions):

where we can see that item logs, chat logs, and etc will be cleared after 60 days

Currently we support following table groups:
itemLog – operations with items.
itemLogMoney – money acquired from mob kills
itemLogJunk – operations with junk items (gray loot)
expLog – experience and reputation
chatLog – explains itself: chat log
chatMonitor - chat monitoring
killMobLog - explains itself: history of monster kills
moneyLog - gm.avatar.moneylog log of avatar’s financial activity
moneyDelta - gm.avatar.moneydelta2 log os avatars financial changes with detailed description
ccu - gm.shard.stat table – Con-current users
