
DayZ Standalone

DAYZ STANDALONE CLIENT+SERVER+SAVE GUIDE FOR DUMMIES (who want to play with friends and not get raped constantly except by zombies)
first you should know you need at least 6gb of memory to host and play on same pc .. it will work with less but your disk drive is going to take a dump because it will be used as a ram slave..
1. download client

2. download server

3. download fix

4. download webserver (allows you to save progress even with server stopped) Usbwebserver V8
you can also use wamp or xamp ...

5. download servlet

6. extract Arena_Client 0.54.rar to where you want to keep your game (d:\Games\DayZSA) for example

7. go to Arena Server Files.rar and extract all into game folder BUT SKIP:
if you later start game and get "failed to launch exe" you must have overwritten them by mistake..
go back to Arena_Client 0.54.rar and copy from there just the 3 files

8. (optional - if you want to disable all automated server restarts) edit @Start SERVER.bat and delete all and just put this in:
DayZServer54.exe -server -port=2302 -config=config\server.cfg -cfg=config\basic.cfg -profiles=dayzea.ChernarusPlus

9. edit LumaEmu.ini and write your name in all the 3! places (or use Change_nick.cmd)

10. apply 054_FIX.exe (move it to game folder first) its actually a rar sfx file so if you dont want the game to start after u apply it just use winrar to extract the files (or press ctrl+pgdn in total commander to enter the archive)

11. extract USBWebserver to anywhere you like .. I put mine in Dayz\_webserver
(or install xamp,wamp)

12. extract DayzServerlet.rar to _webserver\root\DayzServlet
(or C:\wamp\www\DayzServlet or C:\xampp\htdocs\DayzServlet)

13. edit Dayz\MPMissions\dayzea.ChernarusPlus\dbSelectHost.sqf and replace whats there with
dbSelectHost "http://localhost:8080/DayzServlet/";
(for wamp or xamp just use http://localhost/DayzServlet/ )

14. !!! go to MPMissions and run pack.bat

15. edit config\server.cfg and change
hostname (this is not the ip just server title for people to see)
password (you cloud change it if you dont want other people joining.. remember it for your friends)
passwordAdmin (change this just in case)
maxPlayers (10 is enough)
reportingIP (this should be your tunngle or hamachi ip ... your friends will type in that in the remote field

16. start webserver from _webserver\usbwebserver.exe
*wait for apache and mysql to go green
(if you use wamp/xamp start those BUT if you used port 8080 make sure you tell that to apache.. edit httpd.conf)

you can now test if it works by clicking this http://localhost/DayzServlet/ (or this http://localhost:8080/DayzServlet/ depending on what port you used)
if a 055 comes up it works

17. start server using @Start SERVER.bat
*if you have a slow comp you should also wait for the "Задание загружено." line but not mandatory

18. start game using @Start.cmd

19. connect by going to "Change Server" then "Remote" then type in localhost (friends will type in ur hamachi / tungle ip)

20. profit!

21. if you never played dayz you wont profit for long so heres some small tips:
-before you connect customize your character.. you wont be able to do so after unless you kill yourself
-if a zombie comes at you hold A (strafe left) and face it using mouse.. basically spin around it hitting it with crowbar
(press 1 to select crowbar then space to arm it then left click multiple times aiming for head to wreck it)
-if you start bleeding press tab and drag-drop your shirt on the ground (from right to left) then right click it and select "Tear into rags" then select them in inventory and "Use" to bandage yourself
-eat all the food and water you find until you get the LIGHT-green energised and hydrated statuses
-to find your friends tell them to look for a city sign then use this map DayZ Standalone Chernarus+ Map - DayZDB